Although I could have allowed a stuffy bio to occupy this space, I chose to introduce myself. As you can see by this introduction, I am very personable, especially in Ministry. In case you are wondering, I became a licensed Minister at the age of 17. Since that time I have been ordained, certified in Christian Counseling, and received an Honorary Doctorate; a Ph.D. in Social Work Services, become a Best Selling Author, and Certified Coaching Specialist and More. However I can honestly say that; with all of the credentials God has blessed me to acquire, and there have been many not named here, the thing that has blessed me the most is perceiving that I am God’s Girl.
You see, my story in a nutshell is simple: I was lost in sin, and then in an effort to get saved I traded one form of bondage (sin) for another (religion). Then before my deliverance from religion would manifest, I married the man of my dreams (still no regrets) and later God had to deliver me from the nightmare of involuntary domestic violence, leaving me with three beautiful, anointed children. No my walk hasn’t been easy but it has been worth it! Through every trial I have come to know Him in a more real way and have witnessed the Father birth in and through me gifts and skills I never imagined I’d operate in.
Now with an understanding like never before I honor Him with every gift. I love witnessing the diversity of God do exactly what Christ empowered us to do… Reconcile souls back to the Father. With that being said if there is a ministry area/service that God has anointed me in that can help you or your ministry further the Gospel then know that I am here to serve willingly. I fully believe the Body of Christ is ONE and thrive to see it healthy and flowing in the full capacity that the Father intended. I invite you to take a look around the site as well as sign up to receive my monthly newsletter. Also if you have been searching for GOOD GROUND to sow into I invite you to partner with us as we help Single Mom’s and their children have the life God has for them! I pray God’s Choice Blessings overtake your life in Jesus name, Amen.

All for HIS Glory,