Guess what! Not only is 2020 a LEAP year but I was born in a Leap Year, 1968. WOW! To be clear, I was not born on Feb 29th. (I’m proud to be an April baby.) However this is the 25th Leap year that I have lived to witness. Every time one comes around I get an awareness that helps me to realize during a leap year we are blessed with extra. That same awareness makes me ultra sensitive in the Spirit to ensure that I don’t mismanage my “extra”. I said that to say so much is going on around us that if we’re not careful we will take rare blessings for granted.
Normally I use my extra, to be more productive and service others more, or give more etc. This year my spirit senses the beckoning of the Father saying, “Come away my Beloved….” I know that when He is pulling on me like that, there are deposits He wants to give me or even things he may want to uproot. Either way all He wants from me is total surrender and obedience. As I find myself pulling more and more into HIM I am seeing Him do more with less! It is truly amazing to watch God manifest promises, opportunities and just see His love at work in my life.
As we prepare to go into to March in just a few hours, I want to encourage you to seek God for your Marching orders. As you do, avail yourself to give Him your undivided attention. Allow him to reveal what your extra is, and how He wants you to use it for His glory, then walk it out. Remember you don’t have to please anyone BUT HIM! Currently I sense God putting a demand on my extra… Not to schedule more, but less and to give Him more of my time as He orders my steps. With that being said I am signing off of Social media until HE releases me to come back. During that time whatever shift He wants to make, my answer is YES. I want God to be pleased knowing that I didn’t waste my extra on temporary self indulgences or attempting to please others, but that I sought Him and gave it to Him so that His will can manifest and He alone be glorified. I pray this will encourage someone else who may need to hear this as well. May God bless you and reveal His will for your life, in Jesus name amen! Much Love!!!
Leaping in Total Obedience,
God’s Girl Chiquita