Rediscover Yourself

Have you found yourself chasing people places and things only to get them and wake up to the reality that you have lost who you really are? Maybe you didn’t chase them however once you had them you still lost yourself. If we are not careful what God gives us, will have US instead of us having IT. To those whom this has never happened to, praise God! I say to you keep doing what you are doing because obviously it’s working. However to those who like myself have at one point and time lost yourself in a relationship, career, or anything, this one is for you!

One of the hardest things to do is to give your everything to something or someone and then look up and find that you don’t have anything left for yourself. While others look on and judge you, you know more than anyone the pain of that devastation. Devastated that what once came easy no longer does because your purpose has seemingly become lost and attached to someone or something external of yourself. Devastated that you’ve invested your all and have barely anything to show for it. Devastated that your “All in” was not only taken for granted but rejected and unappreciated. Devastated that what you THOUGHT God wanted you to do, wasn’t it at all, hence why you have the results you have!

One thing I am grateful for is that I can count on ONE hand the serious relationships I have had. However, although there were only a couple, it’s also unfortunate to say that I lost myself in them. Yet because God is so faithful and loving and awesome, HE came after me like the mother came for her daughter in the video above. HE had to remind me to not see myself through the eyes of others but through HIS eyes! WOW what a difference!!! If I didn’t meet man’s expectations, God was letting me know I was meeting His! Did that mean I was doing everything perfect? No it meant I had a heart to seek God, want God, repent and learn His ways. How did I overcome losing myself? I’m glad you asked… I had to Rediscover Myself.

1st I had to admit I was lost! Even though I was saved and born again, I had lost my way. In life we will always have a choice to take the perfect will of God or the permissive will of God. And I had to admit I was not in the perfect will of God. How did I know that? Because the Word of God tells us that the Blessing of the Lord makes rich and adds NO sorrow, and I was experiencing way too much sorrow!


2nd I had to submit to the will and way of God! Now here is the scary part… When you pray for the life that God has for you to come to you. That means the people places and things that you are not supposed to have will LEAVE you! That can be very scary when you have come to believe that is your life. YET, when you trust God and know that HE is aligning your life with His will, you position yourself under the shadow of His wing and allow the sifting to take place.

3rd I had to embrace God’s will. My favorite scripture is Isaiah 43:18 – 19 “Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.” In other words stop looking at what was and recognize what is, why? Because I’M DOING THE IMPOSSIBLE QUICKLY says God! (CMT=Chiquita Miller Translation)

4th I had to realize that the only time I am to lose myself is in Christ. Why? Because that is the only time I can truly find myself! If I do it any other way I turn THAT into an idol. And God is a jealous God. Matthew 10:39 “He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.”

5th and last thing was to accept the Love and Grace of the Father. The reason I shared this video is because this young lady had lost herself in a relationship that left her void. Yet her mother reminded her that REAL LOVE, GOD, will and has empowered her to get up, and be who she really is! As humans, we expect and wait for punishments for our bad choices however, God’s Grace is there to pull us up and out. Since it’s grace that means we can’t earn or deserve it. All we can do is ACCEPT AND RECEIVE it! Once you realize that God’s Grace is sufficient, more than enough, to make up the shortage in your life, you will begin to operate in who you really are!

Who are you? You are fearfully (respectfully) and wonderfully made. You are a child of the King. The Most High Loves YOU with an everlasting Love. Your name is carved in His hand, You are the Apple of God’s eye. You are a Son of God, a Royal Priesthood, a Chosen Generation. You are the head and not the tail, above only and not beneath, the lender and not a borrower, more than a conqueror, made in His image, Redeemed, Blood Bought, Free Indeed! YOU ARE LOVED!!!!!!! Don’t you let anyone or anything tell you something different. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, straighten up your crown and go out and be the royal heir that you are! It’s your time to Reign!

Much Love,

God’s Girl, Chiquita